
IBM HTTP Server clustering with RSYNC

20 June 2008

This will be my 1st post related to my research. For those want to deploy IHS clustering, I think RSYNC is the best software.

Software that I used in this research:

1. Suse Enterprise Linux 10
2. Rsync
3. SSH


1. Install IHS on both server, server A and server B.

2. Install rsync application on the server A.

3. Create a user name syncer on both server.

Note: You can change the username to any name that you prefer.

4. Create a public key so syncer user on server A can access server B using ssh


ssh-keygen -t dsa
Note: don't put any passphrase

5. FTP the /home/syncer/.ssh/ file from server A to serverB under /home/syncer/.ssh

6. Rename the to authorized_keys2.

7. Create rsync script in server A under /home/syncer and add in these lines:

rsync -r -a -v -e "ssh -l syncer" --delete /opt/IBM/HTTPServer/htdocs/ ihs2:/opt/IBM/HTTPServer/htdocs/

8. Add cron task for user syncer in server A:

su - syncer
crontab -e
# Add this line:

0-59/1 * * * * /home/syncer/

# to check the cron task

crontab -l

9. So now you have IHS clustering secured with SSH tunneling.