
Google Chrome - Amazing browser

14 September 2008

I did download and used this browser since last week and one word can i say, amazing. It is the fastest browser I ever seen before and it did not make my pc hang if I open multiple tabs.

I wonder how Google can made such a good browser. I did my own research and found out, each tab that you open, Chrome will start a new service which is different from the rest of the browser. The service will stop when we close any tab. So CPU usage will reduce immediately. Compare to other browser which is sometime still hold the CPU resources until 100% even I did close most of the tabs.


Ekinabby said...


Google Chrome is extremely faster and amazing..
in just a blink, i then directed into the desired page.

really exciting..
rasa ringan je..less services consumed

seems that firefox got tough time now..
yela..need to compete with Google chrome..

whatever it is...
IE is still the worst..